Turakina Beach Access
Access to the beach is gained via a 300-metre sand track which starts at the southern end of the playground.
The track is restricted to pedestrians and four wheel-drive vehicles only.

Track to Turakina Beach
During summer beach access is usually dry, but at other times of the year after periods of rain there can be some wet areas on the track and where the track joins the beach.
Vehicles must give way to pedestrians, and please note that standard road traffic rules apply to the access track and all of the beach areas. You should always be aware of tide times when travelling on the beach. High tides can block access up and down the beach.
There is parking for cars in Teone Street; park well clear of beach access tracks to avoid damage to your vehicle.

Turakina Beach Interpretation Board
An information panel about the beach and its environment is in the shelter on the left of the beach access track entrance.
The panel was created by DOC and the Koitiata community. It was erected, together with the shelter, by community members in 2008.
While the sign was being created the river mouth, which is constantly moving, required that its location at that time (June 2008), be ‘date-stamped’ onto the sign.
The river mouth is currently located (September 2022), approx. three hundred metres south of where it is shown on the panel.